Keto Diet Foods to Avoid

A ketogenic diet comprises of a diet that is high in fats and low in carbs, and it is essential to know what to eat and avoid. One may not achieve the desired due to incorrect food choices. The below-mentioned list contains foods to avoid when you are on a keto diet. People following a keto diet should avoid foods with high carbs to achieve greater health benefits. Grains Loaded with carbohydrates, grains are one of the top foods to avoid on a keto diet. Some of the grains have high carbs, and even one serving can affect your diet plan. These include oatmeal, wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, quinoa, sorghum, barley, and rice. Also, bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, and pizza crust made from any of the above grains need to be avoided. Fruits Though most fruits are considered as healthy food, not all fruits are keto-compliant. Fruits that have high sugar content should be avoided. These include banana, mango, apple, pear, peaches, pineapples, grapes, papaya, oranges, tangerines, and dried fruits such as raisins and dates. Even fruit smoothies, fruit juices, fruit syrups, and concentrates are a no, when on a keto diet. Vegetables Vegetables that grow underground have high starch content, which means a higher amount of carbs and needs to be avoided by people on a keto diet.
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Keto Diet Foods to Avoid

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